Youth Development Program

Samata Foundation conducted a motivation program for youths on 27th December, 2016 at Vikhroli between 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. The program was conducted by Mr. Jagdish Patankar; trustee of Samata Foundation on youth development.

The main objective of the program was to motivate youth and encourage them to get involved in the community problems. Mr. Jagdish Patankar gave awareness about the common community problems and inspired youths to get participated for social environment development.

Youth Development 2017 (1)

Few of the problems addressed were; 

1. To take back the drop out students to school and start their schoolings particularly from the under privileged sector.

2. To encourage under privileged students to take benefit of “Samata Book Bank” for free educational material.

3. To do advocacy for the under privileged people to reach various government schemes and utilize for their upliftment which is a part of social environmental growth.

Overall 30 youths participated the event and got motivated to address various social issues. Few of them joined as a volunteer in Samata Foundation to work for the social cause. Amongst them were fresh graduates from Mumbai universities.

Youth Development 2017 (2)
Youth Development 2017 (3)

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