Female Teenagers Motivational Program

Samata Foundation conducted “Teenagers Motivational Program” particularly for females on 28th February, 2017 at Vikhroli between 11 a.m. to 2.p.m.

Smt. Tilottama working for women development conducted the program.

The key objective of the program was to educate female children between 11 to 17 years of age about the bodily changes and hormonal changes during puberty.

About 44 children from the near vicinity participated in the program. While screening, it was identified that most of the children were unaware about their anatomy and physiological changes during puberty. They were shy to talk about menstruation and problems associated with it.

Children were educated about menstrual cycle and how to maintain hygiene particularly during menses. They were happy and acknowledged their benefits.

They thanked and requested Samata Foundation to conduct many such programs.

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